In the TV adaptation of Charlie Webster's viral podcast "Scamanda," ABC News rehases Amanda Riley's cancer con with a few ...
Scamanda' was an addictive podcast before it was adapted to an addictive television docuseries. Here's how to watch it.
Even if you don’t have traditional cable, you can watch the first episode of “Scamanda,” “Stage 1: Who’s Afraid of Amanda ...
Amanda C. Riley convinced friends, strangers, a megachurch, and even LeAnn Rimes that she had terminal cancer.
Based on the No. 1 podcast of the same name, “Scamanda” tells the story of Amanda Riley, whose tragic cancer tale captivated ...
"Scamanda" podcast host Charlie Webster has been in contact with Amanda Riley for "months." It premieres Jan. 30 on ABC and ...
Already a hit podcast, Scamanda is now an ABC News docuseries. Here's a recap of what we already know and the questions we ...
S camanda is a 4-part docuseries, based on the popular podcast of the same name, that details the intricate lies that Amber C ...