Thirty years after the events of Blade Runner (1982), a new Blade Runner, L.A.P.D. Officer "K" (Ryan Gosling), unearths a long-buried secret that has the potential to plunge what's left of society ...
as the title indicates that it's set 50 years after Blade Runner 2049 which makes returns difficult Though the full ensemble cast is still unknown, Oscar-winner Michelle Yeoh has been tapped to ...
Harrison Ford was not a star. He had just finished flying the Millennium Falcon in 'Star Wars,' ” the director tells 'GQ' ...
The maker of the film Blade Runner 2049 has sued Tesla, Elon Musk and Warner Bros Discovery, alleging they used imagery from the movie without permission. Production firm Alcon Entertainment ...
Although expectations were tremendous, Blade Runner 2049 is a tremendous piece of visual storytelling that is in many ways superior to its predecessor. Blade Runner 2049 is set three decades after ...
An American neo-noir science-fiction film series set in a dystopian Los Angeles, depicting a future in which synthetic humans known as "replicants" are bio-engineered by the powerful Tyrell ...