You may think of Vikings as warriors raiding and ransacking Medieval European villages. But this image of Viking hordes embarking on sea voyages with the sole purpose of pillaging is changing with new ...
For three turbulent centuries, the glimpse of a square sail and dragon-headed prow on the horizon struck terror into the hearts of medieval Europeans. Indeed, the ...
The sequences below from the NOVA film "The Vikings" offer a fascinating and unprecedented look at Birka, a medieval Viking village that archeologists recently excavated near modern-day Stockholm.
Excavation in Cumbria has revealed Britain’s largest Viking building, offering a glimpse into 10th-century Norse settlements.
Vikings had indeed reached the coast of America five centuries before Columbus. Now those medieval sagas look ready for another endorsement, this time from space: National Geographic fellow Sarah ...
They had a large hand in setting the contours of medieval Europe and creating a cultural inheritance that still shapes the West today. The world clearly doesn’t have enough Viking movies ...
archaeologists say they have identified the largest Viking-Age building ever excavated in Britain—a rare insight into the early medieval period’s Anglo-Scandinavian culture. The structure was ...
Viking females, unlike most other Medieval women, did have some say over their own life and destiny.