Tour Brazilian institutions, creative studios ... You'll immerse yourself in modern architecture and explore Athos Bulcao's graphic modular work applied to buildings and facades. While in Brasilia, ...
On March 1, 1967, João Batista Vilanova Artigas, Brazilian modernist architect, proffered at the College of Architecture and Urbanism of Sao Paulo University an inaugural lesson that marks his ...
Economy minister from 1967 to 1974, under his helm the Brazilian economy expanded at an average annual rate of 10%, still the fastest on record. Antonio Delfim Netto, a former Brazilian finance ...
Constructed Geographies: Paulo Mendes da Rocha (Yale University Press, $60) tracks the career of the Brazilian architect born into the generation that followed the founding modern masters.
This course provides an overview of Brazilian art by rescuing concealed histories from the country’s colonial past to centralize Afro-diasporic, Indigenous, and Queer perspectives, all the way to the ...