Passing scientists noticed the friendly sounding animal — and discovered a new ... or the Mahabaleshwar cricket frog. A Minervarya ghatiborealis, or Mahabaleshwar cricket frog.
A Fast-Moving Belly Flop: Researchers Unveil the Unique Skills of Cricket Frogs Jan. 10 ... recent study finds that color vision evolved in animals more than 100 million years before the emergence ...
Cricket frogs (Acris crepitans ... “It’s fascinating how easily we can be fooled by fast animal movements,” said study co-author and leader of the research team, Professor in Mechanical ...
Borneo is home to more gliding animals than any other region on Earth ... Frogs are known for their jumping abilities, but ...
K P Dinesh, scientist, ZSI, and co-author of the study, said, “The newly discovered species, being a large-sized cricket frog, belongs to one of the ancient lineages among its related members.