Sirens of the Deep, an animated film featuring Doug Cockle as the voice of Geralt of Rivia. Geralt, played by Henry Cavill in ...
Joey Batey and Anya Chalotra reprise their roles for Sirens of the Deep, with video game voice actor Doug Cockle returning as ...
Netflix's next animated venture into the world of The Witcher has just got a new debut trailer, and this time, Geralt is all ...
Original Geralt voice actor Doug Cockle is reprising his role for Netflix's upcoming animated film The Witcher: Sirens of the ...
The Witcher premiered in December 2019 to record-breaking numbers and much expectation: five years and three seasons later, what happened to all that promise?
Netflix released the trailer for the anime “The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep” based on the story by Andrzej Sapkowski “A ...
Regardless, once we know the year The Witcher 4 is set, we'll be able to figure out Geralt's age there too. My mind is a steel trap, no minutia of fantasy canon nonsense can escape it.
Henry Cavill looks smooth as the new 007 agent alongside Margot Robbie in the viral fan art of the movie poster of James Bond ...