Families of Israeli hostages held in Gaza gathered on Wednesday in the Tel Aviv square where they have held rallies for more than a year, as news trickled out of the agreement struck with Hamas to ...
Israel intensified strikes on Gaza hours after a ceasefire and hostage release deal was announced, residents and authorities in the Palestinian enclave said, and mediators sought to quell fighting ...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday mounted a robust defense of the Biden administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that its stimulus spending led to robust growth and ...
Negotiators reached a phased ceasefire deal on Wednesday in the war in Gaza between Israel and the militant group Hamas. Here is some reaction to the deal. U.S. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN "I can announce a ...
Crews battling multiple wildfires that raged across Los Angeles on Wednesday were up against a near-perfect storm: intense wind, low humidity and, most troubling for residents, inadequate supplies of ...
以色列安全內閣當地星期五(17日)批准加沙停火協議, 為最快於星期一(19日)首批人質回歸, 及終結15個月以色列與哈馬斯戰爭鋪平道路. 該項協議仍需獲得到以色列內閣全體會議批准, 才算是完成. 法新社報道, 根據地方當局, ...
Thirteen people have died in gang violence in the past four days in Porto Velho, the capital of Rondonia state in the Brazilian Amazon, where gang members have clashed with police, raising concerns ab ...
警方懷疑近日有不法份子, 在南丫島一帶進行走私活動, 經深入調查及情報分析後, 水警聯同海關, 星期四(6日)在南丫島一帶進行反走私行動. 行動中, 警方發現一艘可疑貨船駛至南丫島南部水域, 並有兩艘可疑快艇靠泊該貨船. 貨船上兩名可疑男子, ...
俄羅斯總統普京(Vladimir Putin)當地星期五(17日)在克里姆林宮, 與到訪的伊朗總統佩澤希齊揚(Masoud Pezeshkian)舉行會談, 並簽署兩國《全面戰略夥伴關係條約》. 俄總統網站引述普京報道, ...
南韓國會星期五(17日)晚表決通過調查被停職總統尹錫悅內亂真相的《特檢法》修正案. 南韓國會當晚召開全體會議, 就「關於任命特別檢察官以查明尹錫悅政府內亂行為真相的法律修正案」進行表決. 274名議員出席會議.
國家主席習近平應約同美國當選總統特朗普通電話. 習近平祝賀特朗普再次當選美國總統, 希望中美關係在美國總統新任期有一個好的開始, 願推動中美關係在新的起點上取得更大進展. 習近平強調, 作為兩個國情不同的大國, 中美之間難免會有一些分歧, 關鍵是要尊重彼此核心利益和重大關切, 找到妥善解決問題的辦法. 台灣問題事關中國國家主權和領土完整, 希望美方務必慎重處理. 中美經貿關係的本質是互利共贏, 對 ...
乾燥的東北季候風正為廣東帶來普遍晴朗的天氣. 本港今早相當清涼, 巿區氣溫降至約14度, 新界再低幾度. 火災危險警告為紅色, 表示火災危險性極高. 本港地區今日天氣預測, 大致天晴及乾燥. 早上相當清涼, 日間最高氣溫約19度, 吹和緩東至東北風. 展望星期日及星期一天晴乾燥, 早上仍然清涼. 星期二及星期三雲量增多, 風勢較大.