SMOH LEFT: 785 Hrs, RIGHT: 684 Hrs, SPOH LEFT: 568 Hrs, May 31, 2016, Hartzell HCE-3yR-2 ATF, RIGHT: 684 Hrs, May 17, 2017, Hartzell HC-E3YR-2RLTF, De-icing, Gem 1200 Engine Monitor, ACK 406 MHz ELT, ...
Hartzell Propeller has received a supplemental type certificate (STC) for its new three-bladed Carbon Voyager prop, it announced Monday. The carbon-fiber composite propeller is now available for ...
Anna Commander is a Newsweek Editor and writer based in Florida. Her focus is reporting on crime, weather and breaking news. She has covered weather, and major breaking news events in South Florida.
John Aquilino, commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, said. “President Xi Jinping (has tasked) his military to be prepared if tasked to execute in 2027,” Aquilino told representatives of ...
SMOH LEFT: 785 Hrs, RIGHT: 684 Hrs, SPOH LEFT: 568 Hrs, May 31, 2016, Hartzell HCE-3yR-2 ATF, RIGHT: 684 Hrs, May 17, 2017, Hartzell HC-E3YR-2RLTF, De-icing, Gem 1200 Engine Monitor, ACK 406 MHz ELT, ...
Your MTG commander is the legendary creature that leads your other 99 cards into battle, dictates the colors you can use, and shapes your overall strategy, so it’s vital to make the right choice.