This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
Watashi No Nagai Ponytail or A.N.T. Farm Hatsune Miku refers to a scene from the television series A.N.T. Farm in which Chyna ...
Fortnite rumors are suggesting that another Vocaloid named Kasane Teto may soon arrive in the game following Hatsune Miku ...
Asobimo, Inc. has announced an upcoming collaboration event within Toram Online, welcoming the virtual pop star Hatsune Miku ...
A new line of Hatsune Miku merchandise inspired by and featuring My Melody and Kuromi is now available to celebrate Snow Miku ...
Hatsune Miku has sparked interest after making her Fortnite debut. Where did she come from and who is this heroine designed ...
Godzilla joins Fortnite this week, bringing epic chaos to the island! Unlock exclusive skins from iconic franchises!
Fortnite is always adding musical icons into the wondrous locker, but today's addition is something truly special. Chapter 6 is themed around Japan and its cult ...
Fortnite Festival hinted that none other than Vocaloid Hatsune Miku would be getting involved with the video game franchise.
Hatsune Miku's popularity cannot be overstated. Ever since her creation in 2007, this virtual idol has been growing more and ...
Virtual pop star Hatsune Miku is the featured artist of Fortnite Festival season 7. This means that we're also getting a new ...
Hatsune Miku is now teaming up with the likes of Goku, Darth Vader, and Jonesy as she's now available as a playable character ...