Marco Rubio’s trip should focus on countering Chinese investment in Latin America and helping Panama stem illegal migration.
Secretary of State Marco Rubio's first stop this weekend will be Panama City as Trump' administration shifts back ...
As Washington threatens and Panama refusing to back down, a struggle to control this key trade, security and immigration chokepoint appears certain. Prepare now!
The aggressive rhetoric of US President Donald Trump has shocked Panamanians, who see the waterway as a source of enormous ...
Felipe Chapman and Foreign Affairs Minister Javier Martínez-Acha discussed Trump’s claim over the canal at the International ...
Panamanian police on Friday fired tear gas and clashed with protesters angered by Donald Trump's threat to take control of ...
"Our job—where we can'is to provide Latin America with a choice," a U.K. government minister said on Thursday.
Trump says that he’s “serious as a heart attack” when he promises to impose tariffs on everyone, including a 25% tariff on ...
El gobierno panameño estaría preparando un vuelo de repatriación con destino a Bogotá para migrantes colombianos detenidos en ...
En diálogo con la periodista Megan Kelly, el jefe de la diplomacia estadounidense manifestó que el presidente Petro es ...
El secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos llegará a Ciudad de Panamá para sostener un encuentro con el presidente de ese país ...
Se tiene previsto que el secretario de Estado de Estados Unidos, Marco Rubio, emprenda un viaje por cinco países de la región el 1 de febrero.