The little guy has been the sucker since Cain wacked Abel with the rock. History is a broken record—powerful men with fat wallets rigging the game, while the regular Juan grabs the short stick. Do not ...
Last night we had Thanksgiving dinner with some neighbors. It was on the vernal equinox. A spring rain fell that afternoon ...
For the first time, sharks have been recorded making sounds, breaking with the fish's long held reputation as a silent hunter ...
The first-ever sounds of sharks have been captured by researchers, according to a new study in the journal Royal Society Open ...
A small international team of marine biologists has observed the first known instance of a shark intentionally making sounds.
Researchers detected short clicking noises from rig sharks during handling in the lab, though they're not sure why or how the sound is produced ...
Ever wondered what noise a shark makes? If you have no idea, you’re not alone. For a long time we thought these animals were ...
The Maori octopus opted for a very speedy ride; the shortfin mako is considered the fastest shark species, swimming up to 50 ...