Colorado is now home to fifteen new gray wolves who were transported this month into the Rocky Mountain State from British ...
Glenn Elzinga, CEO and co-founder of Alderspring Ranch, knew life as a cattle rancher was going to change when he heard about ...
But Paunovich soon realized it was Canis lupus: the gray wolf. The last wolves seen in Yellowstone — two pups — were killed ...
She voiced concern over programs not being in place to help ranchers deal with wolves. "Wyoming did their reintroduction in eight years and CPW did it in three years; we are rushed," she said ...
The environmental case for the reintroduction of apex predators like wolves and lynx is strong, but the political case is ...
A trio of bills would increase take of animals by eliminating hunting quotas, allowing year-round hunting, and reclassify wolves as ‘furbearers’.
With range riding, Alderspring Ranch has not lost one ranch animal to wolves in over a decade, and its operators have never had to kill any wolf for depredation. Their range practices — along with ...
Having othered nature throughout history, we continue to do so in Ireland. Once you demonise something, it is easy to ...
As we mark this historic milestone on the 30th anniversary of gray wolf reintroductions in Yellowstone National Park, the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project remains steadfast in its mission to support wolf ...
Wolves from British Columbia and Copper Creek Pack released on Western Slope in support of wolf restoration in Colorado on ...