Resident Evil 2 was perfectly remade from the ground up by Capcom to give the gaming community a modern twist to the classic horror story.
Resident Evil 2 Remake is tough enough on Hardcore, but the survival horror game has been reworked into one of the biggest challenges on PC.
Opening every Safety Deposit locker in Resident Evil 2 Remake will require you to first find two spare keys; here's where they both are.
The remake of Resident Evil 2 is only playable on the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPads and Macs with an M1 chip, or newer devices.
Resident Evil 2 was a resounding success upon its release ... still hasn’t gone back to the original for a modern remake. There’s no question that the first ever Resident Evil is an iconic ...
Capcom’s Resident Evil 2 remake may have sold millions of copies on console and PC, but it doesn’t have that same luck on iPhone. Recent sales data has shown that the game has now tanked on iOS, ...
The iOS version of the Resident Evil 2 remake has still to pass the 10,000 sales mark, estimates suggest. As reported by, data from mobile app tracking service Appmagic estimates that ...
RE9 and Code Veronica Remake may still happen, but if you want to revisit the Spencer Estate, Capcom has just updated Resident Evil Remake.
Resident Evil 4 remake tops Capcom's Platinum Titles list with 9.2 million units sold. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne and Rise are also multi-million sellers. Street Fighter 6 sales have slowed ...