The film will be directed by Takanori Tsujimoto (also known for his work on Resident Evil: Vendetta) alongside Polygon Pictures, with Yuichiro Momose, who assisted in developing the franchise’s ...
Japanese multimedia franchise “Hypnosismic” is to expand and include an interactive feature film “Hypnosis Mic – Division Rap ...
Every attack has a unique "action command" sequence, which encourages you to learn the timing for each of them to make the ...
The best horror isn't always delivered with impressive graphics or a high budget. Whether you're looking to be scared or want ...
The Energon Universe has had multiple G.I. Joe-themed spinoff books, with various other G.I. Joe and Cobra members deserving ...
Disney has had success in the video game industry with top-quality games like Castle of Illusion and DuckTales that received ...
Veteran artist Asiful Huda has drawn a total of 6,000 cartoons in his lifetime, each depicting a social, political, economic or cultural cause ...
The director of the surprisingly viral and creepy Winnie the Pooh game starring Piglet confirms Capcom's Resident Evil was a source of inspiration.
The 2003 action-adventure game Disney 's Piglet's Big Game, based on the film Piglet's Big Game, is selling out fast online ...
From the enchanting Beauty and the Beast to the breathtaking visuals of Nemo and Aladdin, these amazing movies are as imaginative as they are memorable. Take a walk back to your childhood with the top ...
Come with us as we break down what could be the next additions to the list of great zombie apocalypse movies and TV shows, ...
The film also gives Ant (Dan Hough) justice by allowing him to give Paddy his final death blow. Even before the Speak No Evil remake premiered, I suspected this version would change the final act.