Animation mastermind Seth MacFarlane made a name for himself with the creation of "Family Guy." After working on Hanna-Barbera cartoons like "Dexter's Laboratory" and "Johnny Bravo," MacFarlane ...
Seth MacFarlane, star and creator of "Family Guy," thinks the show has reached such inertia that there's no real reason to ...
Ed Mercer feels his luck is changing when he is made captain of a Planetary Union ship. He soon finds out that the first officer will be his ex-wife, and sets out to prove his worth.
Despite solid ratings for Sunday's 85th annual Academy Awards, host Seth MacFarlane is catching a lot of flak for his crude jokes about women, Jews, Abraham Lincoln and most notably, actresses' boobs.
When you think of Fox, the shows that normally come to mind are American Idol, Family Guy and The Simpsons-- shows that are the equivalent of cotton candy. They are delicious going down but don't ...
Carl is the owner of Quahog Mini-Mart which is a gas station and convenience store. He is the boss of Chris Griffin. He is a lazy person who likes attractive women and films that feature them. He ...
A commercial-free variety special starring Seth MacFarlane and his "Family Guy" co-star Alex Borstein. The half-hour special will highlight the duo's subversive and unique comedic sensibilities ...