A honey bee tears itself open when it stings, releasing poison into its victim. Stinging words between humans can be replaced ...
A couple who initially believed their son had been bitten by an insect in an Australian forest later discovered the cause of ...
American buddy cop action film Lethal Weapon 3 brought Sting and Eric Clapton together for a slick, soulful duet.
Elisabeth von Trapp, granddaughter of Maria and Baron von Trapp, whose lives inspired the classic film “The Sound of Music” ...
For those who are afraid of bees, settling down for a picnic or going for a walk in the countryside can be a stressful ...
An ant that disappears into the forest floor, a bird that demands attention from mates—for these animals, an inky black ...
For decades scientists assumed these insects looked so much like orchids as a form of camouflage. But they were wrong. They ...
I was about ten years old when a horse fly bit me. I was on a camping trip. I saw the giant fly land on my leg. It went to ...
Bee stings are not just a painful inconvenience; they are the result of a highly evolved biological defense mechanism. When a ...
A velvet ant bite like “hot oil from the deep fryer” delivers an array of peptides that inflicts pain on insects and mammals alike.
Venus flytraps are fascinating carniverous plants native to the Carolinas. These fast moving plants are excellent at catching ...