Stewart Gilligan Griffin, better known as Stewie, is a fictional character from the animated television series Family Guy. Voiced by Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the series, he made his debut on ...
Carl is the owner of Quahog Mini-Mart which is a gas station and convenience store. He is the boss of Chris Griffin. He is a lazy person who likes attractive women and films that feature them. He ...
Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane's love of Star Trek is evident in all of his shows, but he's also canonically part of the ...
Family Guy's Seth MacFarlane - along with Brian Griffin - honored the "amazing Los Angeles firefighters" battling the California wildfires.
The Orville: New Horizons Season 3 pushed the franchise to the next level, and when it ended, there was a lot of optimism ...
Seth MacFarlane created one of TV's most famous families- the Griffins from Family Guy. Sure, he also created American Dad ...
Pamela Anderson teases upcoming role in the 'Naked Gun' reboot directed by Lonely Island's Akiva Schaffer and produced by ...
This would be the time where Seth MacFarlane & Co. iron out storylines, secure cast members who can return to the fold (since some may not be up to return), and figure out how to utilize whatever ...
Sydney Sweeney and Jonathan Davino's age difference has been a commonly asked question since they started dating. Uncover ...
Hit programmes such as ‘Abbott Elementary’ and ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ have suspended filming in the wake of the devastating fires.