The historic cloister of San Nicolás de Tolentino, located in the heart of the historic center of Bogotá, is preparing for a ...
A call to integrity and humility: commentary by Bishop Mario Alberto Molina on the readings of the 32nd Sunday of TO (cycle B ...
In the Augustinian Recollect mission of Kamalo (Sierra Leone) the daily prayer of the rosary has become a fundamental tradition for the life of the community, which gathers every evening at 7:00 pm.
II Encuentro de la Red EDUCAR en Venezuela aborda la neurodiversidad en el aula: fortaleciendo la misión educativa agustino recoleta.
En un mensaje dirigido a las Juventudes Agustino Recoletas (JAR) desde la isla de Cebú, Fr. Ismael Xuruc, consejero general y los responsables de las JAR de Filipinas, Fr. Dexter Palagtiosa y Fr.