High pressure in the Great Basin and low pressure over northern Baja California, plus a very strong jet stream roaring ...
New research led by UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography highlights the critical role of mangroves in ...
The study of the effects of climate changes on human health, particularly from an epidemiological perspective. Potential graduate students interested in this topic may want to apply for the Climate, ...
The study of the radiation, transmission, and scattering of sound, with particular emphasis on low-frequency sounds related to earth processes.
Understanding the chemical processes affecting minerals, water, and air at high temperatures and pressures, typically deep below earth's surface. Specializing in high-precision isotopic analyses, ...
Quantitative descriptions of processes fundamental to the Earth, often focusing on modeling and inverse theory.
The occurrence of several whale and dolphin species in the Gulf of Mexico drastically dropped off in the decade following the ...
The study of the ecology of marine communities that live on or near the rocks and sediments of the ocean floor. (Crab photo courtesy biological oceanographer Lisa Levin.) CMBC promotes ...
The group focuses on observing and modeling coastal processes including beach evolution, cliff erosion, and nearshore waves. CW3E provides water cycle science, technology and outreach to support ...
Hans Singh recently earned his PhD from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego, where he studied marine microbiology and genomics. Singh grew up in Chapel Hill, N.C., and received his ...
Why is oxygen important for the ocean, and what is ocean deoxygenation? Oxygen is important in the ocean for the same reasons it is important on land; the plants and animals that live there require ...