Nadia Guessous is an Associate Professor of Feminist and Gender Studies at Colorado College. An anthropologist by training but an interdisciplinary scholar in practice, her work lies at the ...
A community can only function if all of its members feel safe, heard, and valued. Throughout the last year, Interim President Manya Whitaker and Cabinet have received feedback from students, faculty, ...
Danielle Porter Sanchez joined the History Department at Colorado College in fall 2019. Danielle’s research focuses on popular culture, urban life, and health in 20th century Africa. She is currently ...
Born in Haifa, in 1955, Israel, Ofer Ben-Amots gave his first piano concert at age nine and at age sixteen was awarded first prize in the Chet Piano Competition. Later, following composition studies ...
Dr. Kristina M. L. Acri née Lybecker received her B.A. from Macalester College, double majoring in Economics and Latin American Studies. She received her Economics from the University of ...
Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced French Language, Cultural Contexts and Written Expression, Cultural Contexts and Oral Expression, Cultural Contexts and Critical Analysis, Fiction in ...
Pallavi Sriram joined the Department of Theater and Dance in 2018 as Assistant Professor of Dance Studies. She is an interdisciplinary scholar and dancer-maker working across transnational contexts.
Dr. Ruiz's academic formation has been shaped by interdisciplinary contact between literature, history and art. This contact with other disciplines continues to play an important role in her research ...
Rushaan Kumar joined the Department of Feminist and Gender Studies in 2017. He received his PhD in Feminist Studies in 2015 at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Prior to joining Colorado ...
Charlotte Gabrielsen is a landscape ecologist who uses geospatial modeling and field-based approaches to examine how landscape patterns and ecological processes affect biodiversity, ecosystem function ...
Corinne Scheiner joined the Program in Comparative Literature at Colorado College in the fall of 2000. She earned her B.A. in foreign literatures (French and Russian) from Pomona College, and her M.A.