In Alabama, a worker who helped lead an unsuccessful union organizing drive at Amazon’s warehouse in Bessemer says he was abruptly fired without explanation.
Pratap is an investigative journalist and producer. He is the author of "Halliburton's Army" (Nation Books, 2009) "Iraq Inc.: A Profitable Occupation" (Seven Stories Press, 2004) and "The Earth ...
Indigenous communities in Suriname have sued their government to withdraw an agreement with Chinalco (Aluminum Corporation of China Limited), to dig for bauxite near the village of Bakhuis in the ...
VICE World News has chosen not to name any of the sellers or groups mentioned in this story. No money was exchanged or transactions agreed.
CorpWatch works to promote environmental, social and human rights at the local, national and global levels by holding multinational corporations accountable for their actions. We employ investigative ...
Dear Mr. Doyle and Mr. Kell, Thank you for your letter of February 14, 2002, which replies to the Alliance for a Corporate-Free UN correspondence of January 29, 2002. We note that your letter does not ...