Polenta – a type of Italian cornmeal – is the main staple in certain parts of northern Italy. Essentially just dried corn ground down to a powder, it is boiled until thick and creamy and can then be ...
While veal is traditionally more popular than beef in Italy there are a number of classic Italian beef dishes – think carpaccio and ragù – which more than pull their weight in the country's culinary ...
Super versatile salsa verde or ‘green sauce’ is especially popular in areas of Italy where bollito misto, a stew of boiled meats similar to pot-au-feu, forms part of the traditional culinary context.
Asparagus season, bringing with it both the white and green varieties in plentiful supply, heralds the beginning of spring in Italy. While asparagus can be grilled, stir fried or even eat raw the most ...
Pigeon has formed a staple part of Italian cuisine for centuries, whether roasted whole or slow cooked in a rich ragù. Towns such as Orvieto in Umbria demonstrate the important part these birds play ...
Widely regarded as the best pizza chef in the world, Franco Pepe's pizza dough recipe is a closely-guarded secret. Although he will never give up the recipe used at his restaurant Pepe in Grani, this ...
Pizza is one of those foods that needs no introduction. You can find it all over the world – there are even pizzerias in North Korea – and the simple marriage of flat dough and toppings is a fantastic ...
Italy grows a staggering 4.9 million tons of tomatoes a year, and for many the ingredient stands as a symbol of Italian cuisine. However, despite its contemporary ubiquity the tomato is a relatively ...
While lemons were originally native to Asia it is believed they were brought to Europe during the time of the Roman Empire and Italian lemons are now considered among the finest in the world. The ...
Although Italy's chefs are known for being amongst the most adventurous, wacky and downright wild in the whole world, sometimes nothing but the classics will do. This collection of traditional Italian ...
Spaghetti carbonara is one of the most well known, yet often poorly executed, Italian dishes outside of Italy. Too often the pasta is doused in ladles of rich double cream and passed off as carbonara, ...
With its plentiful pizza, pastas and breads, 'Italian cuisine' and 'gluten-free' don't seem like natural bedfellows. However, as this collection of gluten-free Italian recipes demonstrates, there are ...