Builders knew how to keep people cool in hot, dry climates thousands of years ago. It's time to get that knowledge back.
Recent widespread claims by the Afrocentric movement have been made regarding the African origins of ancient Egyptian ...
Modern video games are not only a source of entertainment, but can also be an immersive window onto real-life destinations, ...
Herodotus lived between 484 BCE and 425 BCE, and helped shape the study of history and geography. The Greek historian and geographer from Halicarnassus, Anatoli ...
For students diving into the realms of geography, understanding the world's major oceans and continents is essential. These ...
The oldest buildings in the world have existed for thousands of years and some are still in use. Their remains are used to ...
The temple, which measures around 450 feet in length and roughly 250 feet wide is perhaps the best-preserved in Egypt.
Archaeologists have unearthed the ancient remains of an Egyptian army barracks and the artifacts left there, including a ...
Ramses the Great is credited with expanding Egypt's reach as far as modern Syria to the east and Sudan to the south.
Archaeologists unearthed a series of mudbrick rooms filled with religious tributes, soldiers' personal effects, engraved ...
More than 3,000 years ago, a long sword emblazoned with the insignia of Ancient Egypt’s Ramses II — the most powerful pharaoh of the era — was set down in a mud hut somewhere in the Nile Delta.