A seemingly minor trickle of groundwater beneath Alaska’s tundra is quietly releasing vast amounts of carbon into the ocean.
This prolonged fasting drains polar bears’ energy reserves, reducing their ability to reproduce and raise cubs. Without ...
Even minor temperature changes show drastic impacts on Earth's North and South poles and soon one of them will turn ice-free.
Within Sweden's borders, there are 269 glaciers, some extending over the border with Norway, covering an area of ​​approx. 250 km2.
India faces severe climate impacts, including heatwaves, cyclones, and water-related disasters, requiring urgent adaptation ...
Rising ocean temperatures are becoming even more of a concern as a new study has highlighted an accelerated rise since the ...
Scientists have quantified how much climate change has driven the population decline of polar bears living in Canada's Hudson ...
An international team of Earth and environmental scientists has found evidence that the Ronne Ice Shelf in the West Antarctic ...
Rising Sea Levels When you think about the ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica, you're really looking at the biggest ...
The remains of an ancient forest have been discovered in a popular hiking area of the Rocky Mountains. Surrounded by backcountry hiking trails, the Beartooth plateau is a frozen tundra that sits at ...
A relatively small amount of groundwater trickling through Alaska's tundra is releasing huge quantities of carbon into the ocean, where it can contribute to climate change.
The West Antarctic ice sheet could cause metres of sea level rise if it collapses – but more than 120,000 years ago, it may ...