Godzilla is the undisputed King of the Monsters. This iconic kaiju originated in 1954's Godzilla, a Japanese movie that later spawned one of the biggest media franchises in history. Movies like ...
Godzilla has made it into the Battle Pass after a long wait since their reveal, and Fortnite is about to get a whole lot more ...
2024 marked the incredible 70th anniversary of the original Godzilla film, released in 1954. It has since become one of the longest-running franchises in the history of film, with a staggering 38 ...
Set one year after the previous film, it is the only entry of the Millennium era to share continuity with another movie other than the 1954 original. When Godzilla inevitably returns ...
Science fiction has delivered some of the scariest and strangest soundtracks in cinema history. Our classical music critic ...
In the decades since Frankenstein, generations of artists and storytellers have speculated how technology and discovery can ...
Exactly 60 years after the 1954 classic Gojira stomped into Japanese theaters, the kaiju icon made his way to American shores ...