Ram Gopal Varma took to his official X handle and shared a report stating that Satya is all set to re-release in cinemas on January 17, 2025. He wrote in the caption, “SATYA coming back into ...
Directed by Kalees, the film marks Dhawan’s turn as the fearless DCP Satya Verma, while Keerthy Suresh makes her Bollywood debut as Meera, his devoted wife. With Jackie Shroff and Rajpal Yadav in ...
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella predicts a fiercely competitive but diverse AI market, even with Microsoft's close ties to OpenAI. He acknowledged Google's current revenue dominance from Windows and ...
Commenting on the same, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said that the decade-long pursuit of an Apple search deal has finally found satisfaction in an unexpected way. This was achieved through OpenAI ...