The money aimed at supporting Form Energy is part of a broader set of federal dollar distributions aimed at bolstering the electric vehicle and grid battery supply chain.
WEIRTON — Form Energy’s efforts to manufacture its new iron-air batteries, bringing a planned 750 jobs to the Upper Ohio ...
Form Energy’s efforts to manufacture its new iron-air batteries, bringing a planned 750 jobs to the Upper Ohio Valley, ...
Sen. Jon Tester is seeking a fourth term in Big Sky Country. Some voters say his dirt-farmer image has worn thin, while the ...
Here's a look at how U.S. senators from West Virginia voted over the previous week. The Senate also passed the Veterans Benefits Continuity and Accountability Supplemental Appropriations Act (H.R.
Form will use the funding to scale up its commercial-scale manufacturing lines more rapidly to produce up to 20 GWh/yr ...
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Former Wheeling Mayor and current U.S. Senate candidate Glenn Elliott is expanding his presence to the ...
The Senate's majority hangs in the balance of the 2024 election cycle, with more than a dozen seats potentially at play.
Before Kamala Harris became vice president, she had a clear message about dark money groups: they play a dangerously ...
Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV) said his “pocket veto” on partisan judicial nominees is still in place, despite an exception he acknowledged he made last week based on a judge’s qualifications.
Republicans accused Democrats of filing the bill just to make the GOP look bad. The "Right to IVF" lost in a 51-44 vote, with ...
Illinois Democratic congressman Sean Casten indicated he’s open to a fall debate on overhauling US permitting laws to ...