The President of the Romanian Senate, National Liberal Party (PNL) leader Nicolae Ciuca, emphasized, on Monday, at the "National Security Dialogue" conference held in Switzerland, in Vevey, the need ...
Monday the chairman of the Trade Union National Bloc (BNS), Dumitru Costin, in a video recording on the Facebook page of the organisation. ' The increase of expenses due to the deficit will trigger ...
Turnover resulting from trade in motor vehicles increased 2.5%, on a gross basis, in the first seven months of this year, compared to the same period in 2023, according to data the National Institute ...
The draft law that provides for the possibility for the head of state to run for legislative elections without giving up his mandate is not a priority either for the Government or for the social ...
The actions of the Russian Federation towards the Ukrainian civilian nuclear power plants, culminating in the occupation and militarization, for the first time in an armed conflict, of a nuclear power ...
Continuous upskilling is essential to remain competitive in today’s dynamic professional landscape, but only 65% of employees see direct applicability in their current roles – this is the main finding ...
The first half of 2024 ended with a modern stock of industrial and logistics space in Romania of about 7.3 million square meters, and developers have more than 700,000 square meters under construction ...
Romania will not become a source of battery supply for electric cars in Europe, after losing a 1.4 billion euro investment announced by the Belgian company Avesta Battery and Energy Engineering (ABEE) ...
Leasing activity in the Bucharest office market in the first half of 2024 saw new demand rise by 7% year-on-year, reaching 64,000 square meters, while total demand slightly decreased to 160,000 square ...
Today (Monday, September 23 2024, e.n.), the Commission proposed to allocate €119,7 million from the agricultural reserve to directly support farmer from Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Italy ...
CFR SA launched a tender to purchase design and execution services for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of seven railway bridges, located on CF Adjud- Siculeni railroad. The total financial value ...
Over 965,000 non-resident tourists stayed in Romania in the first half of this year, and their total spending amounted to 3 billion lei, according to data the National Institute of Statistics (INS) ...