Here were my predictions for 2024.
Unfortunately, it continues to be devalued by the award of honours to people who don’t deserve one. An honour should be given on merit, not through a mentality of “Buggins’ Turn”, or a reward for long ...
This is the essay David Owen wrote for THE PRESIDENTS in 2021. I thought it should have a wider audience after his death was announced at the age of 100. On 3 November 1976 Jimmy Carter beat President ...
So thank you to all of you who listen to my radio show, listen to my podcasts, read my books, or just read my Sunday newsletter. I can’t pretend 2024 will go down as one of the better years of my life ...
I spent most of the 1979 election campaign in a state of mild terror. The Guardian,had come to the conclusion that the election was highly likely to be decided by whatever happened to the votes in ...
This arrticle first appeared in the i Newspaper. To survive and thrive as a political party and ultimately to achieve power, you need four things: charismatic politicians, a professional party ...
On Monday, a 25-year-old woman, Victoria Thomas Bowen, pleaded guilty to an attack on Reform UK leader Nigel Farage in Clacton on 4 June during the general election campaign. She approached him in the ...
It seems hard to believe that Labour’s first five months in power have been so dispiriting. They came into government with bellows of goodwill behind them. Now not only have they resembled the ...