Bernie Madoff Smiles in Prison - The Atlantic
Oct 27, 2011 · Perhaps the most infamous white-collar crook of the last decade, Bernie Madoff took his reputation as a pariah so hard he and his wife Ruth tried to commit suicide, Ruth …
Bernie Madoff loses his smirk in court Tuesday - Mar. 11, 2009
Mar 11, 2009 · Even with his eyes closed, Madoff blinked furiously at moments, his eyebrows leaping above the top of his rimless glasses. His hands betrayed his tension: At times, he …
The Dolor of Money - The New Yorker
Mar 16, 2009 · He has on a black baseball cap and is wearing an enigmatic smile—a damnable smile, as it seemed to have meaning, and therefore put us in the decadent position of trying to …
In Court with Bernie Madoff - Vanity Fair
Mar 12, 2009 · All morning long, that sick smile flickered on and off Bernie Madoff's face. It was especially chilling the last time he flashed it, at the moment that handcuffs were snapped on …
March 12, 2009: Bernie Admits He Did It - This Day of History
2 days ago · On March 12, 2009, Bernard L. Madoff, once a respected figure on Wall Street, pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history. His admission in a …
Bernie Madoff - Wikipedia
Bernard Lawrence Madoff (/ ˈmeɪdɔːf / MAY-dawf; [2] April 29, 1938 – April 14, 2021) was an American financial criminal and financier who was the admitted mastermind of the largest …
As for Bernie Madoff, what sort of man lay behind that sphinxlike smile, and how had he coped for so many years with the psychological pressure of living with such a gigantic falsehood? “The …
Take That Smug Smile Off Madoff Now | HuffPost Impact
Feb 11, 2009 · Today, prosecutors will make their case that Bernard Madoff should be jailed for violation of bail conditions. On Christmas Eve he mailed out trinkets worth more than $1 million …
Bernard Madoff - Top 10 Crooked CEOs - TIME
Madoff's decades-long, $65 billion Ponzi scheme, which came to a screeching halt with his Dec. 11, 2008 arrest and earned him 150 years in prison, is perhaps history's biggest financial …
Bernie Madoff smirks through 150-year prison sentence in ABC's Madoff
Feb 5, 2016 · In Madoff, a two-part dramatic recreation of the biggest financial scam in history, the crooked money-man is seen in a beige jumpsuit still smirking behind bars despite the lives he …