Erza Scarlet/Manga Gallery | Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom
Erza in her normal clothes from Manga Cover. Erza in new HK's Armor from Manga Cover. Nakagami Armor from Manga Cover. ... Erza Scarlet from Fantasia Artbook. Erza and Kagura from special illustrations. Erza and other FT members. Erza on a Bonus Image from Chapter 377.
Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail Wiki
Clear Heart Clothing (清心の衣 Seishin no Koromo): The Clear Heart Clothing is described by Erza as just normal clothes without any special properties. As her armors represented the walls around her heart, donning these clothes represented Erza opening her heart and breaking down the walls she'd built up to protect herself.
Erza Scarlet/Anime Gallery | Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom
Erza Scarlet vs. Jellal Fernandes; Lucy Heartfilia vs. Angel; ... Erza in clothes from Cait Shelter. Erza Lightning Empress's Armor. Erza running clothes. ... Erza and Gray returns to normal. Erza and Gray seeing two Gajeels. Erza and Gray enter the fray. Scarlet and Knightwalker.
Robe of Yūen | Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom
Robe of Yūen (悠遠の衣 Yūen no Koromo) is one of Erza Scarlet's armors. This armor is a beautiful Japanese/Chinese attire reminiscent of a revealing kimono. It consists of a short sleeveless tunic decorated with many flower motifs, which has revealing openings on the sides and front, exposing much...
Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail Wiki
Erza Scarlet (エルザ・スカーレット Eruza Sukāretto) é a maga mais forte da Fairy Tail e também foi a 7ª mestra de guilda durante a ausência de Makarov no X792, porém renunciou seu cargo sendo somente Maga Classe-S, ela é muito famosa por sua magia de reequipar. Ela também faz parte do Time Natsu.
Erza Scarlet/Synopsis | Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom
She tells him that he can overcome his heartache, which is a pain everyone has in their heart. He does not reply but soon leaves, as he remembered his goal from earlier. Erza Requips to her normal attire while she looks on at Cobra's leave. [209]
Erza Scarlet/Image Gallery | Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom
Erza Scarlet vs. Jellal Fernandes; Lucy Heartfilia vs. Angel; Gray Fullbuster vs. Ultear Milkovich; Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox & Wendy Marvell vs. Faust (Dorma Anim) Natsu Dragneel & Gajeel Redfox vs. Sting Eucliffe & Rogue Cheney; Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster vs. Mard Geer Tartaros; Dragon Slayers vs. Acnologia
Erza Scarlet/Other Media - Fairy Tail Wiki
The girls visit a store and Erza tries out numerous clothes, but then remembers that she hasn't decided upon an underwear, or even her hairstyle. Lucy calls a certain friend of hers to help Erza and, after a while, she is ready for her date.
Erza Scarlet - Fairy Tail Wiki
Erza Scarlet (エルザ・スカーレット Eruza Sukāretto) adalah Penyihir Kelas S Serikat Fairy Tail,[4] di mana ia juga menjadi anggota Tim Natsu. Ia juga menjabat sebagai Master Serikat ketujuh selama ketiadaan Makarov pada X792.[5]
Erza scarlet vs 100 monstruos | Fairy Tail Wiki | Fandom
A medida que más monstruos se unen a la refriega, Erza esquiva sus ráfagas de magia y contraataca con relámpagos, creando explosiones en el edificio y destruyéndolos. Sin embargo, Erza es atacada por un monstruo de clase A, que aparentemente la golpea en el suelo.