The Sopranos is an American crime drama television series created by David Chase. The series revolves around Tony Soprano ( James Gandolfini ), a New Jersey -based Italian-American …
The Sopranos: Created by David Chase. With James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Michael Imperioli, Steven Van Zandt. New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano deals with personal and professional …
The Sopranos is a crime drama TV series created by David Chase, and widely recognized as one of the greatest series of all time. It follows protagonist Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini), a …
Salvatore and Paulie try to track down A.J.'s teacher's stolen car. Tony encourages an unwanted son-in-law to divorce, Carmela learns another secret of Tony's, Meadow experiments with …
The Sopranos is widely regarded as one of the greatest television series of all time. The series also won a multitude of awards, including Peabody Awards for its first two seasons, 21 …
Watch The Sopranos and other popular TV shows and movies including new releases, classics, Hulu Originals, and more. It’s all on Hulu. James Gandolfini stars in this acclaimed series …